in preparation
Compagnoni, A., B. Ohse, T.M. Knight, S. McMahon, C. E. Farrior, N. Rüger. A general method to estimate generation time in trees.
Compagnoni, A., S. Levin, D. Z. Childs, S. Harpole, M. Paniw, G. Römer, J. H. Burns, J. Che-Castaldo, N. Rüger, G. Kunstler, J. M Bennett, C. R. Archer, O. R. Jones, R. Salguero-Gómez, T. M. Knight. A systematic literature review shows opportunities to study the effect of climate on plant population dynamics.
Compagnoni, A., S. Levin, D. Z. Childs, S. Harpole, M. Paniw, G. Römer, J. H. Burns, J. Che-Castaldo, N. Rüger, G. Kunstler, J. M Bennett, C. R. Archer, O. R. Jones, R. Salguero-Gómez, T. M. Knight. A systematic literature review shows opportunities to study the effect of climate on plant population dynamics.
Bachelot B., A. Compagnoni, P. F. P. Brandão-Dias, S. K. Carter, M. L. Donald, J. C. Fowler, D. Gorczynski, C. G.B. Grupstra, Z. R. Neale, L. Zhang, J. A. Rudgers, K. Zhu and T. E. X. Miller. Sensitivity to climate variability in North American plant and animal populations.
Girdler E. B., T. M. Knight, S. Evers, A. Compagnoni, R. Leberger, et al. Climate-driving variation in demographic vital rates in an imperiled thistle depends on dune location.
Girdler E. B., T. M. Knight, S. Evers, A. Compagnoni, R. Leberger, et al. Climate-driving variation in demographic vital rates in an imperiled thistle depends on dune location.
Compagnoni, A., T. Knight, D. Childs, R. Salguero-Gomez. 2024. Antecedent effect models as an exploratory tool to link climate drivers to plant population dynamics. Ecology and Evolution.
Compagnoni, A., S. Evers, and T. Knight. 2023. Spatial replication can best advance our understanding of population responses to climate. Ecography.
Evers, S. M., T. M. Knight, and A. Compagnoni. 2023. The inclusion of immediate and lagged climate responses amplifies the effect of climate autocorrelation on long-term growth rate of populations. Journal of Ecology 111:1985–1996.
Gascoigne, S. J. L., S. Rolph, D. Sankey, N. Nidadavolu, A. S. Stell Pičman, C. M. Hernández, M. E. R. Philpott, A. Salam, C. Bernard, E. Fenollosa, Y. J. Lee, J. McLean, S. Hetti Achchige Perera, O. G. Spacey, M. Kajin, A. C. Vinton, C. R. Archer, J. H. Burns, D. L. Buss, H. Caswell, J. P. Che-Castaldo, D. Z. Childs, P. Capdevila, A. Compagnoni, E. Crone, T. H. G. Ezard, D. Hodgson, T. M. Knight, O. R. Jones, E. Jongejans, J. McDonald, B. Tenhumberg, C. C. Thomas, A. J. Tyre, S. Ramula, I. Stott, R. L. Tremblay, P. Wilson, J. W. Vaupel, and R. Salguero-Gómez. 2023. A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:2065–2083.
Wisnoski, N. I., R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, C. P. Catano, A. Compagnoni, T. Lamy, N. K. Lany, L. Marazzi, S. Record, A. C. Smith, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2023. Diversity–stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology 104:e4136.
Ohse, B., A. Compagnoni, C. E. Farrior, S. M. McMahon, R. Salguero-Gómez, N. Rüger, and T. M. Knight. 2023. Demographic synthesis for global tree species conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Miller T. E. X. and Compagnoni A. 2022. Two-sex demography, sexual niche differentiation, and the formation of range limits over an environmental gradient. American Naturalist.
Levin, S. C., S. Evers, T. Potter, M. P. Guerrero, D. Z. Childs, A. Compagnoni, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero‐Gómez. 2022. Rpadrino: An R package to access and use PADRINO , an open access database of Integral Projection Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Compagnoni, A., S. Levin, D. Z. Childs, S. Harpole, M. Paniw, G. Römer, J. H. Burns, J. Che-Castaldo, N. Rüger, G. Kunstler, J. M. Bennett, C. R. Archer, O. R. Jones, R. Salguero-Gómez, and T. M. Knight. 2021a. Herbaceous perennial plants with short generation time have stronger responses to climate anomalies than those with longer generation time. Nature Communications 12:1824.
Compagnoni, A., E. Pardini, and T. M. Knight. 2021a. Increasing temperature threatens an already endangered coastal dune plant. Ecosphere 12:e03454.
Compagnoni, A., E. Pardini, and T. M. Knight. 2021b. Increasing temperature threatens an already endangered coastal dune plant. Ecosphere 12:e03454.
Evers, S. M., T. M. Knight, D. W. Inouye, T. E. X. Miller, R. Salguero-Gómez, A. M. Iler, and A. Compagnoni. 2021. Lagged and dormant season climate better predict plant vital rates than climate during the growing season. Global Change Biology 27:1927–1941.
Paniw, M., T. D. James, C. R. Archer, G. Römer, S. Levin, A. Compagnoni, J. Che‐Castaldo, J. M. Bennett, A. Mooney, D. Z. Childs, A. Ozgul, O. R. Jones, J. H. Burns, A. P. Beckerman, A. Patwary, N. Sanchez‐Gassen, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero‐Gómez. 2021. The myriad of complex demographic responses of terrestrial mammals to climate change and gaps of knowledge: A global analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology n/a.
Lamy, T., N. I. Wisnoski, R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, A. Compagnoni, N. Lany, L. Marazzi, S. Record, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. Voelker, S. Wang, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. The dual nature of metacommunity variability. Oikos n/a.
Levin, S. C., D. Z. Childs, A. Compagnoni, S. Evers, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero-Gómez. 2021. ipmr: Flexible implementation of Integral Projection Models in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:1826–1834.
Lemmer, J., M. Andrzejak, A. Compagnoni, T. M. Knight, and L. Korell. 2021. Climate change and grassland management interactively influence the population dynamics of Bromus erectus (Poaceae). Basic and Applied Ecology 56:226–238.
Record, S., N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, N. I. Wisnoski, J. D. Tonkin, C. Swan, L. Marazzi, N. Lany, T. Lamy, A. Compagnoni, M. C. N. Castorani, R. Andrade, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:479.
Villellas, J., J. Ehrlén, E. E. Crone, A. M. Csergő, M. B. Garcia, A. Laine, D. A. Roach, R. Salguero‐Gómez, G. M. Wardle, D. Z. Childs, B. D. Elderd, A. Finn, S. Munné‐Bosch, B. Bachelot, J. Bódis, A. Bucharova, C. M. Caruso, J. A. Catford, M. Coghill, A. Compagnoni, R. P. Duncan, J. M. Dwyer, A. Ferguson, L. H. Fraser, E. Griffoul, R. Groenteman, L. N. Hamre, A. Helm, R. Kelly, L. Laanisto, M. Lonati, Z. Münzbergová, P. Nuche, S. L. Olsen, A. Oprea, M. Pärtel, W. K. Petry, S. Ramula, P. U. Rasmussen, S. R. Enri, A. Roeder, C. Roscher, C. Schultz, O. Skarpaas, A. L. Smith, A. J. M. Tack, J. P. Töpper, P. A. Vesk, G. E. Vose, E. Wandrag, A. Wingler, and Y. M. Buckley. 2021. Phenotypic plasticity masks range‐wide genetic differentiation for vegetative but not reproductive traits in a short‐lived plant. Ecology Letters 24:2378–2393.
Bernard, C., A. Compagnoni, R. Salguero-Gómez. 2020. Testing Finch’s hypothesis: the role of organismal modularity on the escape from actuarial senescence. Functional ecology.
Compagnoni, A., A. J. Bibian, B. M. Ochocki, K. Zhu, S. Levin, T. E. X. Miller. 2020. popler: An r package for extraction and synthesis of population time series from the long‐term ecological research (LTER) network. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Iler, A. M., A. Compagnoni, D. W. Inouye, J. L. Williams, P. J. CaraDonna, A. Anderson, T. E.X. Miller. 2019. Reproductive losses due to climate change-induced earlier flowering are not the primary threat to plant population viability in a perennial herb. Journal of Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13146.
Compagnoni, A., K. Steigman, and T. E. X. Miller. 2017. Can't live with them, can't live without them? Balancing mating and competition in two-sex populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 284:20171999.
Wagner, N.K., Ochocki, B.M., Compagnoni, A., Crawford, K.M., and T.E.X. Miller. 2016. Genetic mixture of multiple source populations accelerates invasive range expansion. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86:21-34.
Compagnoni, A., A. J. Bibian, B. Ochocki, H. S. Rogers, E. L. Schultz, M. E. Sneck, B. D. Elderd, A. Iler, D. W. Inouye, H. Jacquemyn, and T. E. X. Miller. 2016. The effect of demographic correlations on the stochastic population dynamics of perennial plants. Ecological Monographs. 86:480–494.
Compagnoni, A., S. Evers, and T. Knight. 2023. Spatial replication can best advance our understanding of population responses to climate. Ecography.
Evers, S. M., T. M. Knight, and A. Compagnoni. 2023. The inclusion of immediate and lagged climate responses amplifies the effect of climate autocorrelation on long-term growth rate of populations. Journal of Ecology 111:1985–1996.
Gascoigne, S. J. L., S. Rolph, D. Sankey, N. Nidadavolu, A. S. Stell Pičman, C. M. Hernández, M. E. R. Philpott, A. Salam, C. Bernard, E. Fenollosa, Y. J. Lee, J. McLean, S. Hetti Achchige Perera, O. G. Spacey, M. Kajin, A. C. Vinton, C. R. Archer, J. H. Burns, D. L. Buss, H. Caswell, J. P. Che-Castaldo, D. Z. Childs, P. Capdevila, A. Compagnoni, E. Crone, T. H. G. Ezard, D. Hodgson, T. M. Knight, O. R. Jones, E. Jongejans, J. McDonald, B. Tenhumberg, C. C. Thomas, A. J. Tyre, S. Ramula, I. Stott, R. L. Tremblay, P. Wilson, J. W. Vaupel, and R. Salguero-Gómez. 2023. A standard protocol to report discrete stage-structured demographic information. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:2065–2083.
Wisnoski, N. I., R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, C. P. Catano, A. Compagnoni, T. Lamy, N. K. Lany, L. Marazzi, S. Record, A. C. Smith, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2023. Diversity–stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology 104:e4136.
Ohse, B., A. Compagnoni, C. E. Farrior, S. M. McMahon, R. Salguero-Gómez, N. Rüger, and T. M. Knight. 2023. Demographic synthesis for global tree species conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Miller T. E. X. and Compagnoni A. 2022. Two-sex demography, sexual niche differentiation, and the formation of range limits over an environmental gradient. American Naturalist.
Levin, S. C., S. Evers, T. Potter, M. P. Guerrero, D. Z. Childs, A. Compagnoni, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero‐Gómez. 2022. Rpadrino: An R package to access and use PADRINO , an open access database of Integral Projection Models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Compagnoni, A., S. Levin, D. Z. Childs, S. Harpole, M. Paniw, G. Römer, J. H. Burns, J. Che-Castaldo, N. Rüger, G. Kunstler, J. M. Bennett, C. R. Archer, O. R. Jones, R. Salguero-Gómez, and T. M. Knight. 2021a. Herbaceous perennial plants with short generation time have stronger responses to climate anomalies than those with longer generation time. Nature Communications 12:1824.
Compagnoni, A., E. Pardini, and T. M. Knight. 2021a. Increasing temperature threatens an already endangered coastal dune plant. Ecosphere 12:e03454.
Compagnoni, A., E. Pardini, and T. M. Knight. 2021b. Increasing temperature threatens an already endangered coastal dune plant. Ecosphere 12:e03454.
Evers, S. M., T. M. Knight, D. W. Inouye, T. E. X. Miller, R. Salguero-Gómez, A. M. Iler, and A. Compagnoni. 2021. Lagged and dormant season climate better predict plant vital rates than climate during the growing season. Global Change Biology 27:1927–1941.
Paniw, M., T. D. James, C. R. Archer, G. Römer, S. Levin, A. Compagnoni, J. Che‐Castaldo, J. M. Bennett, A. Mooney, D. Z. Childs, A. Ozgul, O. R. Jones, J. H. Burns, A. P. Beckerman, A. Patwary, N. Sanchez‐Gassen, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero‐Gómez. 2021. The myriad of complex demographic responses of terrestrial mammals to climate change and gaps of knowledge: A global analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology n/a.
Lamy, T., N. I. Wisnoski, R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, A. Compagnoni, N. Lany, L. Marazzi, S. Record, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. Voelker, S. Wang, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. The dual nature of metacommunity variability. Oikos n/a.
Levin, S. C., D. Z. Childs, A. Compagnoni, S. Evers, T. M. Knight, and R. Salguero-Gómez. 2021. ipmr: Flexible implementation of Integral Projection Models in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:1826–1834.
Lemmer, J., M. Andrzejak, A. Compagnoni, T. M. Knight, and L. Korell. 2021. Climate change and grassland management interactively influence the population dynamics of Bromus erectus (Poaceae). Basic and Applied Ecology 56:226–238.
Record, S., N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, N. I. Wisnoski, J. D. Tonkin, C. Swan, L. Marazzi, N. Lany, T. Lamy, A. Compagnoni, M. C. N. Castorani, R. Andrade, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:479.
Villellas, J., J. Ehrlén, E. E. Crone, A. M. Csergő, M. B. Garcia, A. Laine, D. A. Roach, R. Salguero‐Gómez, G. M. Wardle, D. Z. Childs, B. D. Elderd, A. Finn, S. Munné‐Bosch, B. Bachelot, J. Bódis, A. Bucharova, C. M. Caruso, J. A. Catford, M. Coghill, A. Compagnoni, R. P. Duncan, J. M. Dwyer, A. Ferguson, L. H. Fraser, E. Griffoul, R. Groenteman, L. N. Hamre, A. Helm, R. Kelly, L. Laanisto, M. Lonati, Z. Münzbergová, P. Nuche, S. L. Olsen, A. Oprea, M. Pärtel, W. K. Petry, S. Ramula, P. U. Rasmussen, S. R. Enri, A. Roeder, C. Roscher, C. Schultz, O. Skarpaas, A. L. Smith, A. J. M. Tack, J. P. Töpper, P. A. Vesk, G. E. Vose, E. Wandrag, A. Wingler, and Y. M. Buckley. 2021. Phenotypic plasticity masks range‐wide genetic differentiation for vegetative but not reproductive traits in a short‐lived plant. Ecology Letters 24:2378–2393.
Bernard, C., A. Compagnoni, R. Salguero-Gómez. 2020. Testing Finch’s hypothesis: the role of organismal modularity on the escape from actuarial senescence. Functional ecology.
Compagnoni, A., A. J. Bibian, B. M. Ochocki, K. Zhu, S. Levin, T. E. X. Miller. 2020. popler: An r package for extraction and synthesis of population time series from the long‐term ecological research (LTER) network. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Iler, A. M., A. Compagnoni, D. W. Inouye, J. L. Williams, P. J. CaraDonna, A. Anderson, T. E.X. Miller. 2019. Reproductive losses due to climate change-induced earlier flowering are not the primary threat to plant population viability in a perennial herb. Journal of Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13146.
Compagnoni, A., K. Steigman, and T. E. X. Miller. 2017. Can't live with them, can't live without them? Balancing mating and competition in two-sex populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 284:20171999.
Wagner, N.K., Ochocki, B.M., Compagnoni, A., Crawford, K.M., and T.E.X. Miller. 2016. Genetic mixture of multiple source populations accelerates invasive range expansion. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86:21-34.
Compagnoni, A., A. J. Bibian, B. Ochocki, H. S. Rogers, E. L. Schultz, M. E. Sneck, B. D. Elderd, A. Iler, D. W. Inouye, H. Jacquemyn, and T. E. X. Miller. 2016. The effect of demographic correlations on the stochastic population dynamics of perennial plants. Ecological Monographs. 86:480–494.
Adler, P. B., R. Salguero-Gomez, A. Compagnoni, J. Hsu, J. Ray-Mukherjee, C. Mbeau-Ache, and M. Franco. 2014. Functional traits explain variation in plant life history strategies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:740–745.
Compagnoni, A., and P. B. Adler. 2014. Warming, soil moisture, and loss of snow increase Bromus tectorum's population growth rate. Elementa. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000020
Compangoni, A., and P. B. Adler. 2014. Warming, competition, and Bromus tectorum population growth across an elevation gradient. Ecosphere 5.
Compagnoni, A., and P. B. Adler. 2014. Warming, soil moisture, and loss of snow increase Bromus tectorum's population growth rate. Elementa. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000020
Compangoni, A., and P. B. Adler. 2014. Warming, competition, and Bromus tectorum population growth across an elevation gradient. Ecosphere 5.
Compagnoni, A., and C. B. Halpern. 2009. Properties of native plant communities do not determine exotic success during early forest succession. Ecography 32:449-458.